Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Aylsham and Suffolk SUCCESS!!!

I believe it shows great potential for the Liberals in Norfolk . Broadland is a seat that can be won. April Pond is a good candidate with flair and her effort is second to none. Big up the effort. It could start a sweep of orange in the county. !!!

Councillor Anthony Little believes the task of the Liberals in Norfolk is a tough one that will take resources that the liberals dont have.


Antony said...

Exactly Ned. The trouble is that when you pour the entire Norfolk LibDem party into Aylsham you win. But when Aylsham is fought on the same day as all the other elections, you lose a seat to the Tories. Look at the Clavering by-election - a narrow LibDem gain from the Tories in 05, lost back to the Tories at a by-election in May 07. Why? Because all the LibDems were off losing in South Norfolk, Yarmouth, Norwich, Breckland, West Norfolk etc etc

Liberal Talk 24 said...

I am going up for the Lib Dems, for us its 2 steps forward and one step back, for example the seats that you mentioned, however in my old mans constituency the council held its seats staying steady, wat is happening, one reason, funding, it simply isnt always there, it is right that we flood certain constituencies to win seats because its our way of proving ourselves but moreover getting media coverage.